Sanctions Screening Solution


GSS Pattern


Security by design is important to GSS to secure not only our client’s data but also to maintain availability and continuity of service against the myriad of security threats facing GSS.  

GSS embeds controls across all types including administrative, technical, personnel, and physical security to mitigate our cyber risk using internationally recognized approaches to security, such as the NIST Cyber Security Framework and ISO27001 (of which we have held our certification since Q2 2023) having embedded security into GSS from an early stage.   


ISO27001 Certification

ISO 27001 - CMYK

Why is security important to GSS  

We’re asking our clients to trust our platform with their sensitive and business critical data and therefore GSS take this trust responsibly with controls that are commensurate to maintaining this trust with our clients.  

We use client and supplier data to deliver our services, so we maintain its integrity and confidentially throughout data lifecycles.  

Our service is critical to financial institutions and is required to be highly available and delivered at low latency to our clients. We manage our security effectivly to maintain this availbility

For further information, please ask to see our Security Policy. If you have any questions regarding security please contact us via the contact page.